Hello everyone, and Happy Holidays!

It seems like we were just enjoying our Informal Dinner and Annual Membership Meeting at Kavanaugh’s Esquire Club in Madison, and here it is -- already time to welcome in the holiday season! It must be true that “time flies when you’re having fun!” It was great seeing many of our CAS friends at the dinner on Saturday evening, August 24th,  and a recap is included elsewhere in your newsletter. (And make a note on your calendars: we’re already planning a similar gathering for 2025. The date: Saturday, August 24, 2025.

During the day, Don and I attended the Wisconsin Pottery Association Show & Sale at the Alliant Energy Center. We were again staffing our CAS Collectors table, and enjoyed catching up with current members who stopped by, as well as recruiting new members. Of course, it’s not all work for Don and me. The WPA Show is always a lot of fun, and we did manage to find various treasures (some of which I hope will wind up under the Christmas tree with my name on them!)

As you know, this is the time of year when many memberships are up for renewal, so be sure and check your newsletter envelope. If it’s getting near time (or past time) for you to renew your membership, you’ll find a “Please Renew” sticker. All you need to do is to send in the enclosed renewal form with payment at your earliest opportunity. That way, we can continue to send you our quarterly newsletters, and keep you informed of all club activities. And remember: a family membership is only $35 – the best deal around! We depend on membership renewals to keep your club humming along, and thank you in advance! (And remember: donations are always welcome!)

That’s it for now!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hank Kuhlmann
