Hello everyone! I hope you’ve been able to enjoy the fall weather, and are getting ready to hunker down for the winter ahead. Hopefully, we’ll have a mild one, but you never know what “El Niño” holds in store!

Normally, this is where I would tell you more about our upcoming Convention, announced in our summer newsletter. The theme selected: “Let’s Dance! Ceramic Arts Studio Celebrates The Arts!”  However, your Board is presently trying to decide if a 2024 Convention will be feasible. As you may recall, I emailed all members a survey on September 13th, trying to gauge possible attendance interest for the August 24, 2024 event. Other than Board members, their family members, and our auctioneers, only 6 additional CAS Collectors indicated that they were planning to attend in 2024, for a total estimate of 17 attendees. 

At our last meeting, your Board decided that we need to get a firm registration commitment before we proceed further with 2024 planning. To achieve this, we need to receive 25 prepaid registrations for the 2024 Convention by January 15, 2024. A registration form is included with your newsletter to mail in with your $60 registration fee, and we hope you will do that at your earliest convenience.

Time is short, but our next Board meeting is January 21, 2024. At that meeting we approve hotel and catering contracts and deposits. If we have not received a minimum of 25 paid reservations by that date, we will not be able to hold a 2024 Convention. If this is the case, all prepayments will be refunded to you. Additionally, as in past years, any necessary cancellations by you prior to August 1, 2024, will entitle you to a full refund.

We regret having to ask for definite registrations so early for the 2024 gathering. However, if the level of interest remains low, it does not justify the investment of time, and our limited financial resources, to mount a Convention.

An additional note:  if we do get the number of registrations needed, and are able to continue planning our 2024 Convention, we will need items for the annual Convention Auction. If you have items you’d like to see included on the bill, just email me at: The Auction is always a Convention highlight, and we hope you’ll be a part of it!

 Well, that’s it for now. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed (inside my mittens, what with the cold weather coming on), that we will be able to hold our 2024 Convention, “Let’s Dance! Ceramic Arts Studio Celebrates The Arts!” I hope your upcoming holidays are magical!

Hank Kuhlmann



P.S. Is your club membership is up for renewal? If so, you’ll find a ‘time to renew’ sticker on your newsletter envelope, and a membership renewal form enclosed. Please send in your renewal right away! Your Board certainly appreciates your membership in CAS Collectors!